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Тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты, Ерте темір дәуірінің археология бөлімінің жетекші ғылыми қызметкері
Collection keeper
Laboratory assistant of the Department of Archaeology of early Metal, Head of the Library
Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Member of the Department of Archaeology of the Early Iron Age
Master's Degree, Junior Researcher of the Department of Archaeology of the Early Iron Age
Master's student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialist in history
Junior Researcher
Leading Researcher, Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory of Archaeological Technologies and the Department of Medieval Archaeology
Junior Researcher
Younger Researcher at the West Kazakhstan Branch of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology
Junior Researcher
Research Fellow at the Branch of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology in Astana
Researcher, Specialist of the Department of Geomatics and Digital Archaeology
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Address: Almaty, Dostyk, 44, office 8
Head of the Department of Geomatics and Digital Archaeology
Chief Researcher of the Department of Archaeology of the Middle Ages. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Leading Researcher. Department of Early Metal. Candidate of Historical Sciences
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher
Лаборант. Мекен-жай: Астана қ,. Бейбітшілік 25
PhD, Scientific Secretary of the Branch of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology in Astana. Address: Astana, Beybіtshіlіk Street 25, Office 405.