Asylbekov Kalibek

Asylbekov Kalibek

Head of the Department of Geomatics and Digital Archaeology
Список основных публикаций

In 2004, he graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, majoring in History and Geography. In 2006, he graduated from the same university at the Faculty of Natural Sciences with a Master's degree in Geography.
In 2015, he graduated from the doctoral program in the specialty "Geography" of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Gumilyov ENU.
Completed internships in the following organizations:
1) In 2012, he completed training and received certificates of ArcGIS Desktop (certificates from ESRI);
In 2014, he completed an internship at Oklahoma State University (Norman, USA);
In 2015, he completed an internship at the European Academy of Education (Berlin, Germany);
In 2016, he completed an internship at the Korean National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, under the program "The use of ground-penetrating radars and UAVs in archaeology" (Daejeon (Republic of Korea);
In 2017, he completed a course on working with Trimble R10 GNSS equipment at Geokurs LLP (Almaty);
In 2018, he completed an internship at the Center for Archaeological Research under the program "Application of GIS in archaeological research (Schleswig, Germany);
In 2019, the training "3D scanning and modeling of objects" was held at Exponential Kazakhstan LLP (Nur-Sultan);
Since 2022, he has been working at the Margulan Institute of Archaeology of the CS MES RK.
He takes an active part in the implementation of grant and program-targeted financing projects of the CS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main scientific interests are the application of digital methods in archaeological research, and in museum studies.

Articles in journals indexed in Scopus databases:
1.    Mukayev Zh.T., Ozgeldinova Zh.O., Sibirkina A.R., Alagudzhaeva K., Assylbekov K.M., Ospan G.T. Сontent of manganese in soils of the Аlakol hollow// News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences. Vol. 2. Nо. 434 (2019). Р. 114-119.

Articles in journals indexed in the RSCI database:
1.    Блялова А.С., Рахимжанова С.Ж., Асылбеков К.М. К истории создания первой археологической карты и периодизации памятников Центрального Казахстана в 30-50 гг. XX столетия // Материалы II Всероссийской научно - практической конференции с международным участием «Актуальные проблемы современного гуманитарного знания» 5 декабря 2018 г. Сб. тр. конфр. Кемерово, 2019. С. 66-69.

Articles in journals recommended by CCES MES RK:
1.    Асылбеков К.М., Есенов С.Г., Касеналин А.Е.  Тарихи-мәдени мұра нысандарына мониторинг жүргізу мен қорғау саласында геоақпараттық жүйелерді қолдану// Международный научно-аналитический журнал государственное управление и государственная служба. №1 (60). 2017. С. 298-303.
2    К.А. Асылбеков, С.Г. Есенов Древности Сарыарки: Палеогеографические аспекты распространения памятников в Акмолинском регионе // Вестник государственного университета им. Шакарима города Семей. № 2(90). 2020. С.319-323.

1.    Ұжымдық монография. Далалық Еуразия төсіндегі Сарыарқа мұрасы. – «Қазына» сериясы. VI-том. – Наследие Сарыарки в центре степной Евразии. Серия «Қазына». Т. VI. Нұр-Сұлтан: Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық музейі, 2020. 352 б. 

1. Executive in the project PCF BR05236868 "Study, preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of Saryarka" 2018-2020.
2. Executive in the project "Localization map of historical and cultural sites, as well as places of universal pilgrimage in Kazakhstan" 2017-2018, with the application of the necessary materials (historical facts, legends, myths), headed by Bekbergenov T.;
3. Executive in the project "Implementation of a nationwide project to compile a virtual map of the cultural and tourist attractiveness of Kazakhstan" 2019-2020.
4. Executive in the project "The cultural complex of the Saka of Western Saryarka and the Northern Aral Sea region: an interdisciplinary study" 2020-2022.
5. Executive in the PTF project OR11465466 "The Great Steppe in the context of ethnocultural research" 2020-2022.