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Ancient and Medieval states and Unions of Nomads of Eurasia in the context of new archaeological and written sources
26 Feb 2023

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee of Science

South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Margulan Institute of Archaeology


Dear colleagues!

The South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University and the Margulan Institute of Archaeology invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ancient and Medieval states and Unions of Nomads of Eurasia in the context of new archaeological and written sources" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. Podushkin, which will be held on March 17-18, 2023 in Shymkent.

Directions of the conference:
•    Scythian-Saka historical and cultural community
•    Unions of tribes of European and Asian Sarmatians
•    Xiongnu Nomad Empire
•    Kangju State
•    The Empire of the ancient Turks
•    The Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan
•    Timur's Empire

Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.


To compile the conference program, it is necessary to send application forms according to the attached sample by March 10, 2023.

Reports in co-authorship are submitted by one application and the data are reflected in it sequentially separated by semicolons; if the information is repeated (for example, country and/or city, place of work, postal address, etc.), then they do not need to be duplicated:


of the participant of the scientific and practical conference "Ancient and Medieval states and Unions of Nomads of Eurasia in the context of new archaeological and written sources"
1.    Full name of the author;
2.    Country, city;
3.    Place of work;
4.    Position;
5.    Academic degree, title;
6.    Title of the report;
7.    Postal address (with ZIP code), e-mail, contact phone
8.    Presentation form (oral or poster);
9.    The presentation form of the report and the necessary technical means.

The collection of articles is planned to be released after the conference.

Address of the Conference Organizing Committee:
The materials are accepted at: 160012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, A. Baitursynov str., 13, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University.

For organizational issues, you can contact the following contact persons:
Tazhekova Akmaral – Head of the Office of Scientific Research, +7 (701) 266 27 98.
Orynbasarova Gulzhan – Head of the Department of "World History and Religious Studies", +7 (778) 534 34 60.
Aitkali Azat – Director of the branch of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology in Astana, +7 (771) 165 66 50.

Applications are accepted by e-mail: habarshy@okmpu.kz