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  3. Bekmukhanbet Nurmukhanbetov (15.05.1935 - 12.06.2016)
Bekmukhanbet Nurmukhanbetov (15.05.1935 - 12.06.2016)

Bekmukhanbet Nurmukhanbetov (15.05.1935 - 12.06.2016)

Список основных публикаций

Bekmukhanbet Nurmukhanbetov was born on May 17, 1935 in the village of Karasu (collective farm "Enbek") of Aksu district of Alma-Ata region. After graduating from KazSU in 1962, he was hired as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Archaeology of the Ch. Valikhanov Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Starting from the first year of study in 1957, he annually took part in the work of the Ili, then Semirechenskaya archaeological expeditions. Since 1971, B. Nurmukhanbetov was a member of the SKCAE, led a detachment conducting archaeological work on funerary monuments in the Otrar oasis, and conducted excavations of the Borizhar burial ground, the Kok-Mardan and Mazrat Mardan burial grounds. Together with K. Akishev, he conducted excavations of the well-known Issyk mound. He conducted archaeological research in Zhetysu, headed the Novostroechnaya Archaeological expedition of the IHAE. He discovered a number of previously unknown ancient necropolises. B. Nurmukhanbetov published over 40 scientific papers. He participated in the establishment of the Almaty Regional Museum of Local History in the city of Esik.

He died on 12.06.2016 in the city of Esik, Almaty region.

Нурмуханбетов Б.Н. Исследование могильника Кок-Мардан // АО- 1979. - М., 1979. - С. 438-439.
Нурмуханбетов Б.Н. Могильник Мардан - погребальный памятник ранних земледельцев Отрарского оазиса // Прошлое Казахстана по археологическим источникам. - Алма-Ата, 1976. - С. 130-136.
Нурмуханбетов Б.Н. Некоторые итоги раскопок Борижарского могильника // По следам древник культур Казахстана. - Алма-Ата, 1970. - С. 108-120.
Нурмуханбетов Б.Н. Раннемусульманское кладбище городища Куйруктобе // В глубь веков. - Алма-Ата, 1974. - С. 85-94.