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Evgeniya Ageeva (1916-1966)

Evgeniya Ageeva (1916-1966)

Archaeologist, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Led the South Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition
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Evgeniya Ageeva was born in 1916 in the city of Semipalatinsk. After graduating from the Worker's Faculty, she entered the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of History, from which she graduated in 1941. During her studies, E. Ageeva took an active part in the work of the Semirechensk archaeological expedition of the Leningrad Department of the Institute for the History of Material Culture, headed by A. Bernshtam. Her first works were devoted to the results of the excavations of the pre-war years at the settlements of Saryg and Yakalyg in the Chu Valley.
In 1941, after graduating from LSU, Evgenia Ivanovna moved to Alma-Ata, where she first worked in the Department of Reserves and Protection of Ancient Monuments and in the Central Museum of Kazakhstan, and since 1947 - at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ch.Valikhanov of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. E. Ageeva for a number of years headed the South Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Semirechye archaeological expeditions. Her excavations at the ancient settlements of Baba-Ata and Taraz gave a great and new material on the urban culture of medieval Kazakhstan. She also discovered and investigated dozens of burial mounds. These field studies allowed Evgenia Ivanovna to make a significant contribution to the development of the most important problem for Kazakhstan about the relationship between nomads and farmers.
The study of ancient and medieval ceramics of Southern Kazakhstan was the topic of her Candidate’s thesis, successfully defended in 1953 at the State Hermitage Museum. She also did a lot of work on the collection, systematization and analysis of funerary monuments of the Wusun period in Semirechye. Especially great is the merit of E. Ageeva in the preparation of the consolidated work "Archaeological map of Kazakhstan" (Alma-Ata, 1960). E. Ageeva devoted a lot of time and attention to bibliographic work. It should be noted the "Bibliography on the history of Kazakhstan" (Pre-revolutionary period). In total, Evgenia Ivanovna has published 42 works covering many aspects of archaeology and ancient history of Kazakhstan. Her writings combined the scrupulousness of analysis with the breadth of historical generalization. In general, they make a major contribution to archaeological science.
Evgenia Ageeva died on February 25, 1965 in Alma-Ata.

Агеева Е.И. Отчет о работах Южно-Казахстанской археологической экспедиции // Труды ИИАЭ АН КазССР. - 1956. - Т. I. Археология.- С. 33-60 (в соавторстве).
Агеева Е.И. Из истории оседлых поселений и городов // Труды ИИАЭ АН КазССР. – 1958. - Т. V. - С. 3-215.
Агеева Е.И. Библиография по археологии и древней истории Сырдарьи и Семиречья // Труды ИИАЭ АН КазССР. - 1959. - Т. 7. Археология. - С. 270-307.
Агеева Е.И. Новые данные по археологии Семиречья // КСИИМК. - М., 1960. - № 80. - С. 65-69.
Агеева Е.И. Из истории развитиия городской культуры Казахстана // Известия АН КазССР. Серия истории, археологии и этнографии. - 1960. - Вып. 2 (13). - С. 63-78. 
Агеева Е.И. Памятники средневековья (раскопки на городище БабаАта) // Труды ИИАЭ АН КазССР. - 1962. - Т. 14. - С. 117-153, 166-215.