Kaliyeva Zhanargul

Kaliyeva Zhanargul

Master. Researcher at the Margulan Institute of Archaeology
Список основных публикаций

In 2004, she graduated from the Faculty of History of Zhezkazgan University named after O. Baikonurov.
In 2007, she graduated with a Master's degree in Archaeology and Ethnology from the Historical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Since 2004, she has been working at the Margulan Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Takes an active part in grant and program-targeted financing projects of the CS MES RK.
The main scientific interest of Zh. Kalieva is the technical and technological analysis of ceramics.

Articles in journals indexed in the RSCI database:

1. Ермолаева А. С., Калиева Ж. С., Дубягина Е. В. Культурная атрибуция жилища-мастерской на поселении Талдысай на основе анализа керамики // Самарский научный вестник. Научный журнал. Т. 7. №3 (24). – 2018. С. 269–275.
2. Калиева Ж. С. Аппликация в декоре керамических сосудов раннего железного века Казахстана // Археология Казахстана. № 3 (5). – 2019. С. 72–86

