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  3. Grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2021-2023.

Grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2021-2023.
15 Nov 2022

Medieval tortkuls and the cultural landscape of the Talas Valley.
Headed by Ph.D. Akymbek Ye.
IRN AP09260358

Rural settlements of the early Iron Age in the lower reaches of the Syrdarya: economy and life.
Headed by the Candidate of Historical Sciences Utubaev Zh.
IRN AP09260367

Late medieval urban culture of the Golden Horde. Searches and archaeological research on the example of the settlements of Sharuashylyk (Kinchat) and Aspara (13th-16th centuries).
Headed by the Candidate of Historical Sciences Rogozhinsky A.
IRN AP09260802