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Press Release of the I International Archaeological Symposium "Horizons and Paradigms of Eurasian Archaeology at the Present Stage"
25 Sep 2024

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Science Committee
Margulan Institute of Archaeology
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
K. A. Akishev Scientific Research Institute of Archaeology
Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The Margulan Institute of Archaeology of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the **I International Archaeological Symposium "Horizons and Paradigms of Eurasian Archaeology at the Present Stage"** from September 25-27, 2024. The event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the renowned archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kim Alkeyevich Akishev. The symposium will bring together scholars from 17 countries, including Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Poland, the USA, Cyprus, the UK, Germany, India, China, the Netherlands, and Mongolia, to discuss and develop methods for addressing current issues and fundamental problems in Eurasian archaeology.

**K.A. Akishev** was one of the founders of academic archaeology in Kazakhstan, making a significant contribution to the development of historical science. His research interests span key aspects of the ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan. Among his globally significant discoveries are the studies of the necropolises of the Saka kings at Besshatyr and Issyk. Large-scale excavations of ancient Otrar and the discovery of the Bozok settlement revealed previously unexplored chapters in the medieval history of Kazakhstan. His theoretical work focused on the genesis and formation of ancient steppe ethnic groups, the origins and development of nomadism, the conceptual foundations of steppe civilization, and issues related to cultural development. Akishev formulated several key scientific directions of fundamental importance for further historical research. His legacy demands renewed attention in contemporary academic discussions, emphasizing his invaluable contribution to archaeology and the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

Main scientific themes of the symposium:  
- The Stone Age of Kazakhstan: From the Paleolithic to the Early Metal Age  
- Cultural and historical processes in the Eurasian steppes during the Early Metal Age: Traditions and innovations  
- Asian Saka and European Scythians: Commonalities and distinctions  
- Nomads and urbanism in medieval Eurasia  
- Interdisciplinary research in archaeology: Achievements and prospects of integration  

Key events of the conference:  
- Plenary presentations by leading global scholars in the field of archaeology  
- Specialized thematic sessions  
- Presentations of new publications dedicated to the creative and scientific legacy of K.A. Akishev:  

  1.  K.A. Akishev, "The Hunno-Wusun Monument Complex in the Aktas Valley (Kegen River) from the Excavations of the Semirechensk Archaeological Expedition of 1962-1963." Materials and Research on the Archaeology of Kazakhstan, Vol. 21.  
  2.   A. Ganieva, "The Age of Archaeology in the Scientific Legacy of K.A. Akishev." Proceedings of the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, Vol. 7.  
  3.   D.A. Topal, "Issyk-type Daggers and Their Distribution in Eurasia."  
  4.   Commemorative album dedicated to the 100th anniversary of K.A. Akishev  

- Exhibition of scientific publications by the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology over the past five years and works by K.A. Akishev  
- Special exhibition: "Kimal Akishev – the Polar Star of Kazakh Archaeology"  

For participants and guests of the conference:  
- Translation services in English and Russian  
- Networking area for establishing professional contacts  
- Coffee breaks and receptions featuring traditional Kazakh cuisine  

About the Margulan Institute of Archaeology  
Founded in 1947, the Margulan Institute of Archaeology is a leading research center in Kazakhstan, conducting both fundamental and applied research focused on studying historical and cultural heritage and developing historical science.

Contact information:  
Asem Daurenovna Kasenova: +7 707 518 1230, E-mail: asema_94@mail.ru  
Aidyn Zhunislanov: +7 702 412 4730, E-mail: mail@archeo.kz  

Symposium Venue:  
- Plenary Session: Almaty Resort (Almerec St. 1/1, Kargaly microdistrict, Bostandyk District, Almaty)  
- Sectional Meetings: Almaty Resort (Almerec St. 1/1, Kargaly microdistrict, Bostandyk District, Almaty)  
- Exhibition: Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Hall "Culture of Kazakhstan’s Diasporas, Kazakhstan during WWII" (Samal-1 microdistrict, 44)  

⏰ **Plenary Session Start**: September 26, 10:00  
⏰ **Panel Sessions and Sectional Meetings Start**: September 26, 14:00  
⏰ **Exhibition Opening**: September 27, 16:00  

**For additional information, visit**: [A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology website](https://archeo.kz/ru/konferencii/i-mezhdunarodnyj-arheologicheskij-simpozium-arheol/)  

**For online participants**:  

**Symposium Opening and Plenary Presentations**:  
[Zoom Link](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87867835475?pwd=VEFxekdxT0RWNlhxRUFsWi9xU3p4dz09 )  
Conference ID: 878 6783 5475  
Access Code: 66978  

Panel 1: "The Stone Age of Kazakhstan: From the Paleolithic to the Early Metal Age":  
[Zoom Link] (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87867835475?pwd=VEFxekdxT0RWNlhxRUFsWi9xU3p4dz09 )  
Conference ID: 878 6783 5475  
Access Code: 66978  

Session 1: "Cultural and Historical Processes in the Eurasian Steppes during the Early Metal Age: Traditions and Innovations"**:  
[Zoom Link] (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87867835475?pwd=VEFxekdxT0RWNlhxRUFsWi9xU3p4dz09 )  
Conference ID: 878 6783 5475  
Access Code: 66978  

**Session 2: "Asian Saka and European Scythians: Commonalities and Distinctions"**:  
[Zoom Link] (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87867835475?pwd=VEFxekdxT0RWNlhxRUFsWi9xU3p4dz09 )  
Conference ID: 878 6783 5475  
Access Code: 66978  

**Session 3: "Nomads and Urbanism in Medieval Eurasia"**:  
[Zoom Link] (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87867835475?pwd=VEFxekdxT0RWNlhxRUFsWi9xU3p4dz09 )  
Conference ID: 878 6783 5475  
Access Code: 66978  

Presentations will be posted on the YouTube channel of the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology.